Clear the List: February 2016 Review

Today is the last day of February, which means it is time to review the goals set at the beginning of the month, which I blogged about here. These are the results for this month:


  1. Drink a bottle of water every day. I really tried to do this at the start of the month and did stick with it for a little while, but soon I fell back into my old routine of drinking squash or coke. I want to cut down on this as there is so much sugar in them. I think I will make this a goal again for next month to really try and make it a habit.
  2. Read for at least fifteen minutes a day. This one I am definitely happy with, although as you can see on the chart that I didn’t read every single day, there were some days where I read anywhere between one to five hours. As a result I have read six books this month. So, I am very happy with this goal, and will probably keep it on next month’s goals because I really enjoyed reading more this month.
  3. Blog at least once a week. This one, however, was not a success. Once again, I started well at the beginning of the month and even blogged twice in one week, however after that it just went downhill.
  4. Complete my daily goal for German on Duolingo. This one was definitely a success! As you can see on the chart I didn’t miss a day. I think I am now on a 36 day streak so I am really happy with this.
  5. Complete 2 pages in my Spanish verb practice book. I didn’t buy this book, and therefore start this goal till my second week into the month. However, I stuck with it for a while but then stopped towards the end of the month. This book has exercises which are kind of like little tests/revision for me, and therefore it is something I only do when I have the time. In March I have A LOT of deadlines coming up for uni, so I doubt I will stick with this. Whereas after exams, I may go back to it.

That is it! Overall, I am really happy this month, particularly with German Duolingo and reading more books. I wanted to create more specific goals for March related to my language learning. However, like I said, March is a very busy month for me. This either means I will not be blogging at all, or I will be procrastinating so much that I will blog very day.

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