For the first time this year, I am sorry to say I have not read one book this month. I am disappointed about this but I have been in a reading slump, and I also started my second year at university this month so I have been busy with that.

As I mentioned in my last book post here, I said that I was reading a YA novel: The Potion Diaries by Amy Alward. I am still reading this and I have slowly progressed so that I am in the last 100 pages now. However, I have still not finished it. I don’t know why because everything about this book is very quirky and unique: the plot, the characters, the fictional world, the language, the way it is written… everything. So, I have been really enjoying it. But not enough to finish it in a few days like I normally do with a book.

Perhaps I have been in a reading slump as well because I have not been watching so many BookTube videos recently. When I watch videos about what people have been reading, seeing their hauls and their TBR’s, this always massively motivates me. So, I need to get back into this.

On the other side, I have also not been reading so much because I have been watching a lot instead. I spent last weekend watching the first season of Stranger Things on Netflix. Furthermore, I watched a total of 4 films yesterday alone, as well as a few more earlier in October. I have been enjoying watching more but I need to balance my time better so I get some reading in there as well.

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