Clear the List: February 2016 Goals

I know I am a little late in uploading this, but at the end of January I decided to set myself some daily goals for February. I came across this idea ‘Clear the List’ reading a few different blogs and I will be using the table I mentioned in my last blog in order to clear my own list.

I have already been using the table the last few days and I can already say I feel so much more motivated to do things, knowing I get to colour off that box for that day. At the end of the month I will hopefully have a very colourful and completed table.

But without further or do, here are my daily goals for February:

  1. Drink a bottle of water a day. I am awful at drinking enough water but this is something I am trying to improve so that eventually it becomes a habit and I don’t even have to think about reminding myself to do it.
  2. Complete my daily goal for German on Duolingo. I have recently started using Duolingo because it seems every language learner has used it at some point besides me. So, I thought I would give German a try. I am currently on a 13 day streak, and I actually really enjoy doing it and sticking with it. I hope to keep this up, and complete my daily goal every day this month on it.
  3. Read for at least fifteen minutes a day. I used to read so much as a child and I don’t know at what point I stopped but I know I miss it. Since being at university, I have noticed how much of my time I have to spend reading set articles or chapters from books, but that is not the same as choosing a book for your own enjoyment. My thinking is, if I just set a small amount of time a day (15 minutes, for perhaps before I go to bed) then it will encourage me to read every single day. Obviously when I find a really good page turner then I think I will read a lot more than fifteen minutes a day. But I just need to actually find and read the books first! Another reason I am motivated to do this is because I got a Kindle Paperwhite for Christmas and I am excited to start using it more.
  4. Finally, blog at least once a week! I hope to actually blog more often than this, but for now I will set myself the goal of just once a week.

Those are all my goals! I know there is not actually that many, but obviously I am still spending every day in uni lectures and doing work for that, so it is just about finding time and getting myself into a new routine to fit other things around uni. I hope to complete all these goals every day (or once a week for blogging) throughout February so I can colour in the boxes on my table. I have some ideas for goals for March already, which are more specifically language related, but first I will see how these goals turn out. I will be doing a review at the end of February to see how well I did.

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